Junior Chloe Jones Earns Trip to State UIL Congress Meet

Wall advances to top level in first year of competition

Sophomore Lily Terrell and junior Chloe Jones in front of UIL Congress state banner.

Claire Nelson, Editor in Chief

Junior Chloe Jones qualified for the UIL Congress state meet held January 4 at the University of Texas at Austin. While Jones did not make the final round, she was the first competitor from Wall to go to state in the event. 

“It was my first time ever making it to state in a UIL event,” Jones said. “I felt very accomplished.”

UIL Congress is essentially a mock congressional session. Jones wrote her own bill and presented her stance on other competitors’ bills. 

“Prior to the meet, we submitted legislation,” Jones said. “At the meet, we debated it. Then you have to go through parliamentary procedure and vote on it.”

Computer science teacher Curt Taylor, who coached Jones in UIL Congress, said he was impressed with her success. 

“I had not much of an idea of what congress was before this year,” Taylor said. “It was a huge learning experience. You basically act like you are a member in the House of Representatives. A lot of the contest is based on the debate aspect of the event. You are not scored based on whether your legislation, or bill, passes.” 

Sophomore Lily Terrell went on the state trip with Jones and Taylor to take notes and watch performances.

“I was really excited for Chloe,” Terrell said. “She’s just an excellent speaker and had been working really hard. Congress requires a lot of confidence and speaking skill, and I’m glad I got to help her perform from the sidelines.”

According to Jones, the trip was worth it, especially when it came to trying a new steakhouse restaurant and eating at PF Changs. 

“It was a great experience to go to Austin and visit the UT campus,” Jones said. “I had never been there before. I was proud of how I did and happy for the opportunity.”