FFA Quiz Team Competes At State

All-freshman squad earns 15th place

Quiz Team poses for group photo in front of Sam Houston University.

Claire Nelson, Editor-in-Chief

Wall High School’s FFA Greenhand/Junior Quiz Team qualified to attend the state competition that will be held at Sam Houston University on Saturday, December 4. The team received 15th-place out of 24 overall. 

“The meet usually requires a group of about 8-9 kids who have to know all the parliamentary procedures and how to run a formal meeting,” freshman Sierra Killam said. “You have to answer the quiz questions to work on problems that arise professionally and determine the true facts of the motions.”

This year’s team consisted of all freshmen, and, according to members, being in the same grade helped keep everyone on the same page. 

“We’ve had multiple meetings throughout the last month and a half which helped us to get together and really study the material well,” freshman Boone Harris said. 

The questions in the quiz event typically consist of FFA terminology and procedures based on a meeting’s motions. 

“We all took it very seriously and wanted to work towards our goal as a team,” Killam said. “We studied so hard that it became natural to speak the lines of the opening and closing ceremonies for the quiz event.”

Contests do not receive the quiz topic until shortly before the competition, making it more difficult to prepare.

“Even though we know how to conduct a meeting and work together really well, the topic is always different,” Harris said. “We only have five minutes to see it before we walk in.”

Despite the varied factors of the competition, the team feels good about their experience competing at state.

“I honestly had a lot of confidence in us because we really grew strong as a team,” Killam said. “I think we all enjoyed it.”

FFA Quiz Team Members: Freshman Sierra Killam, freshman Boone Harris, freshman Abbie Boehle, freshman Karter Killam, freshman Allison Halfmann, freshman Zachary Rohmfeld and freshman Jacey West